ArtSci, Outreach, Research Papers
A paper describing the background to the creation of Endless Forms Most Beautiful, the cancer cactus garden at Arizona State University, has appeared in the arts/science journal, Leonardo. Read about the unique collaboration between of the landscape architect, the...
Featured news, News, Research Papers
This study, A Multi-Institutional Collaboration to Understand Neoplasia, Treatment and Survival of Snakes, is just published in the journal Animals (January 21 2022). Although snakes seem to have more tumors than other species of reptiles studied, nothing much is...
Featured news, News, Research Papers
Writing in the journal Nature in a paper titled Cancer Risk Across Mammals, ACE researchers and their collaborators discuss why cancer rates are higher in some species than others. It seems to have a lot to do with diet, with meat eaters having more cancer than...
Featured news, Research Papers
Knowing how tumors evolve would be very useful to clinicians trying to predict the spread of cancer and the likely success of different therapies. New mathematical models developed by Robert Noble and his colleagues should help. In this major research paper...