Before cancer kills, it cheats – Ace Scientist

Before cancer kills, it cheats – Ace Scientist

In a public lecture entitled Why Cancer Is Everywhere, at Harvard Museum of Natural History last week, Athena Aktipis described her ACE research into the behavior of ‘cheating’ cells. These are cells that refuse to obey signals to conform to the agenda of the whole organism but instead forge their own agenda following evolutionary imperatives to proliferate and colonize new environments – the end result being cancer. Read a review of Athena’s talk by Harvard Correspondent, Brett Milano, here.

Frontiers in Cancer Research

Frontiers in Cancer Research

Edited by Carlo C. Maley and Mel Greaves, published in 2016. This is the ideal book for anyone contemplating starting a career in, or shifting their career to, studying the dynamics that drive cancer progression and its response to therapy.

Radio Broadcast -Transmissible cancers – more than ever suspected

Radio Broadcast -Transmissible cancers – more than ever suspected

Dogs, Tasmanian devils, clams and mussels – what have they all got in common? They can all get transmissible cancer. Three experts discuss their remarkable findings with Pauline Davies at the latest International Society for Evolution, Ecology and Cancer, held at Arizona State University. The interview was broadcast on ABC radio in February 2018. Listen and read transcript.

Endless Forms Most Beautiful

Endless Forms Most Beautiful

We are building a cactus garden at Arizona State University with rare specimens of mutated plants. The garden demonstrates the variety and beauty of form that cell evolution can lead to. The garden is named after a quote from Charles Darwin’s 1859 book ‘On the Origin of Species’.