Featured news, Research Papers
Though cancer in elephants is rare, it does sometimes occur – more often in Asian elephants than in the 2 species of elephants found in Africa. This fascinating study by ACE members published May 2021 in Molecular Biology and Evolution explains why, and makes...
Featured news, News, Research Papers
Why are some species of mammals more vulnerable to cancer than others? It’s an important question since the answers may guide us to new understandings of cancer development in humans. In a careful analysis of 42 years of necropsy data from San Diego Zoo and...
Featured news, News, Research Papers
Fascinating preprint by ACE members E. Yagmu Erten, Marc Tollis, Hanna Kokko: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.22.345439v1 An increased appreciation of the ubiquity of cancer risk across the tree of life means we also need to understand the more robust...