
Summer School

After a two year break,  the 2022 Guarda summer school in Evolutionary Biology for master and PhD students returns. The main aim of the course is to develop the skills to produce an independent research project in evolutionary biology.The summer school will take place...

Congratulations to Daniel Chavez!

Congratulations to Daniel Chavez!

Daniel is a post-doctoral researcher with ACE and he has just won a Carol and Jim Patton Award for Outstanding Latin American Graduate Student of Mammalogy Award from the American Society of Mammologists!  Well done Daniel!

Another Big Win for Artwork

Another Big Win for Artwork

‘In Search of Chemozoa’ has received the Best Film 2021 Award @SigmaXiSociety STEM Art and Film Festival. Sigma Xi is one of the oldest and largest scientific organizations in the world.  Congratulations to Vicky Isley and Paul Smith aka boredomresearch!  This win...

Recruiting Undergraduate Research Students

The Arizona Cancer Evolution Center (ACE) is excited to recruit undergraduate students  to its ACE Scholars research program for Spring 2022.   Motivated undergraduates from a diverse set of backgrounds and skill sets who would like to pursue research projects at the...

In Search of Chemozoa – free exhibition

This wonderful artwork will be screened between Nov 7th 2021 until January 2022 at the  Sigma Xi STEM Art and Film Festival, taking place online during their annual conference.  Registration to attend the STEM Art and Film festival is free.  Further details about the...

Contagious Cancers

Contagious Cancers

Athena Aktipis gives a fascinating overview of transmissible cancers that affect dogs,Tasmanian Devils, clams and muscles in a recent edition of  Slate Magazine.  

Chemozoa wins Europe Film Festival Award!

Chemozoa wins Europe Film Festival Award!

Congratulations to Vicky Isley and Paul Smith aka boredomresearch.  Their ACE sponsored creation, Chemozoa was judged Best Short Experimental film at the Europe Film Festival in London, UK this summer. Wonderful news!  
