Research Papers

A theoretical analysis of tumour containment.

Cancer is often treated with high doses of chemotherapy, but is that the best path?  In a recent paper in Nature Ecology and Evolution, ACE member Rob Noble and co-author Yannick Viossat say No. They combine extensive mathematical analysis and numerical simulations to...

Identifying key questions in the ecology and evolution of cancer

Identifying key questions in the ecology and evolution of cancer

This Perspective research paper published in Evolutionary Applications in 2021 provides a roadmap for studying cancer through the lens of evolution and ecology and suggests 84 important questions that should be addressed in coming years.  Amongst the 30 plus experts...

Litter size relates to cancer risk; body mass and longevity do not

Litter size relates to cancer risk; body mass and longevity do not

Why are some species of mammals more vulnerable to cancer than others?  It's an important question since the answers may guide us to new understandings of cancer development in humans.  In a careful analysis of 42 years of necropsy data from San Diego Zoo and Safari...